The project goal is the development of a generic honeypot framework that automatically generates tailored honeypots for the (Industrial) Internet of Things. Combining real world device information with virtualization technology, the honeypots are attracting attacks for a wide variety of hardware and software architectures and beyond convince an adversary that she actually breached a real device instead of decoy.

Christian Kudera
My research interests include Internet of Things security, embedded systems security, embedded systems virtualization, honeypots and cyber threat intelligence.
Scanning for IoT Devices Using a Mobile Android Application.
Michael Bernd Stöger
TU Wien.
Master Thesis.
Automatic Creation of Low-Interaction Honeypots for Stateless Network Protocols.
Felix Kehrer
TU Wien.
Bachelor Thesis.
Firmware Re-Hosting: An Evaluation and Verification of FirmAE.
Sebastian Dietz
TU Wien.
Bachelor Thesis.
Firmware Sample Analysis - Distinguish between Compressed Encrypted and Plain Binary Files.
Kevin Gufler
TU Wien.
Bachelor Thesis.
Contactless Side Channel Based Disassembly - A Time Shift Resilient Machine Learning Approach.
Tobias Kovats
TU Wien.
Bachelor Thesis.
AVRS: Emulating AVR Microcontrollers for Reverse Engineering and Security Testing.
Michael Pucher,
Christian Kudera,
Georg Merzdovnik
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
AVR Reverse Engineering - Emulation und dynamische Analyse.
Michael Pucher
TU Wien.
Bachelor Thesis.
Automatic Identification of Cross-Container Side-Channels.
Jakob Baumgartner
TU Wien.
Master Thesis.
Human-assisted information extraction through Bluetooth Low Energy on Android.
Gabor Szivos
TU Wien.
Master Thesis.
From Hack to Elaborate Technique—A Survey on Binary Rewriting.
Matthias Wenzl,
Georg Merzdovnik,
Johanna Ullrich,
Edgar Weippl
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR).