FiBack focuses on the (partially) automated detection of (un)intended built-in backdoors in IT components (third-party software, appliances, IoT devices).

Christian Kudera
My research interests include Internet of Things security, embedded systems security, embedded systems virtualization, honeypots and cyber threat intelligence.

Michael Pucher
My research interests include systems security, malware analysis and embedded security, focusing on software reverse engineering and dynamic binary analysis.
Faulting RISC-V - Comparing the Fault Resilience of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture.
Philipp Eichinger
TU Wien.
Bachelor Thesis.
Scanning for IoT Devices Using a Mobile Android Application.
Michael Bernd Stöger
TU Wien.
Master Thesis.
Automated User-Mode Emulation of Embedded Web Interfaces.
Klaus Hahnenkamp
TU Wien.
Bachelor Thesis.
Detecting Obfuscated Function Clones in Binaries using Machine Learning.
Michael Pucher,
Christian Kudera,
Georg Merzdovnik
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Binary Analysis Research.
Identification of Obfuscated Function Clones in Binaries using Machine Learning.
Michael Pucher
TU Wien.
Master Thesis.