Ghidra Extension Development

Development Setup and Troubleshooting

As we didn’t want to use Eclipse for Ghidra extension development and Eclipse sometimes didn’t work out of the box either as we wanted it to, this blog post covers some of the things we tried that might be obvious to others, but haven’t been previously documented as such.

Copying the Skeleton Project

The first step in development is locating the root folder of your Ghidra installation. This is the folder where ghidraRun/ghidraRun.bat is located and in the following referred to as the environment variable GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR. The folder $GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Extensions/Ghidra/Skeleton contains the template for a Ghidra extension, including examples for several different types of extension points, e.g. analyzers or exporters. You can copy this folder and rename it to the preferred name of your extension. For the sake of this blog post, we are going to name it MyExtension.

As a side-note, it’s important to remember that most of this is not necessary if you just want to write a simple Ghidra script. Ghidra supports scripting in Python through Jython. However, this comes with its limitations such as having to use Python 2, not being able to install dependencies and missing out on the Java extension points, like analyzers or exporters. There are projects which try to alleviate these shortcomings, like Ghidra Bridge and Ghidrathon, which come with their own pros and cons.

Ghidra development outside of Eclipse works just through gradle. When using gradle, you need to specify the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR either as an environment variable or as a gradle property, e.g. building the extension with the following (assuming a Ghidra installation at /opt/ghidra):

gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/ghidra

This executes the buildExtension gradle task and ultimately creates a distributable zip-file of your extension in the dist folder (which you can release and then install in the Ghidra project window through File/Install Extensions. This is also the way to go when you pull an extension from Github that wasn’t released for your current Ghidra version; just pull the repo and use the above gradle command to build the extension against your local Ghidra installation.

This is pretty straightforward, but when you have multiple Ghidra installations on your system and use IDEs, e.g. IntelliJ IDEA, this might require a bit more work. Our case was the following: We have one main Ghidra install pointed to through the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR environment variable and other Ghidra installations for development. However, when we use the default build.gradle file from the skeleton project, the value from the environment variable has priority over the gradle property. Which setting you want is a matter of taste and workflow; for us personally, it was nicer to take the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR from the gradle properties with precedence (which hopefully doesn’t break anything elsewhere). This allows us to specify the property in a file and have it set by IntelliJ IDEA when importing the gradle project:


Following up on how to use the project in IntelliJ IDEA (which we mainly use for development), we also added the following lines to our build.gradle:

// Exclude additional files from the built extension
// Ex: buildExtension.exclude '.idea/**'
buildExtension.exclude '.idea/**'

// Add the ghidra_scripts dir to the java sources += ['ghidra_scripts']

The first line is just what is recommended by the comments in the original build.gradle file from the skeleton project. The second line adds the ghidra_scripts folder to the set of source directories. This results in IntelliJ giving us code completion within the ghidra_scripts folder as well, which wouldn’t work otherwise.

At this point, it is worth noting that there are existing (at least one) plugins which should take care of the heavy lifting in IntelliJ, namely this one. However, it hasn’t been kept up-to-date now for half a year, and we wanted a solution that wouldn’t rely on additional plugins.

Ghidra Run Script and Log Output

Before we dig further into extension development, a few things on how Ghidra is started, which might ease debugging when running into issues later on. On Linux, Ghidra is started through the ghidraRun script, which lives in the root folder of your Ghidra installation. This is a shell script that basically delegates the startup to another shell script support/ When taking a closer look, we are presented with the options that can be passed to this launch script, such as the mode (fg, bg, debug, debug-suspend), name of the application and more. For the purpose of our development, we started Ghidra using debug (which will print the log4j debug output to the console) and then looked at the created process to get the full arguments that are passed to Java, resulting in the following script to start Ghidra (we named it

java \
    -Djava.system.class.loader=ghidra.GhidraClassLoader \
    -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 \ \
    -Duser.language=en \
    -Duser.variant= \
    -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false \
    -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3 \
    -Dcpu.core.limit= \
    -Dcpu.core.override= \
    -Dfont.size.override= \
    -Dpython.console.encoding=UTF-8 \
    -Xshare:off \
    -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false \
    -Dsun.java2d.xrender=true \
    -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1 \
    -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on \
    -Dlog4j.configurationFile="$GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/support/debug.log4j.xml" \
    -cp "$GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Ghidra/Framework/Utility/lib/Utility.jar" \
    ghidra.GhidraLauncher ghidra.GhidraRun

Now this isn’t strictly necessary, but it allows us to change the classpath later on, which we can’t easily change through the launch script alone, so we’re launching the Java main program directly. Another setting worth checking out is the support/debug.log4j.xml file, which specifies the log4j log levels (towards the end of the file):

   <Logger name="org.apache" level="WARN"/>
   <Logger name="org.jdom" level="WARN"/>
   <Logger name="" level="DEBUG"/>
   <Logger name="db" level="DEBUG"/>
	 <Logger name="docking" level="DEBUG"/>
	 <Logger name="ghidra" level="DEBUG"/>
	 <Logger name="reverse" level="DEBUG"/>
	 <Logger name="util" level="DEBUG"/>
   <Root level="ALL">
  	<AppenderRef ref="console" level="DEBUG"/>      
  	<AppenderRef ref="detail" level="DEBUG"/> 
  	<AppenderRef ref="script" level="DEBUG"/> 
  	<AppenderRef ref="logPanel" level="DEBUG"/>

Some information that is relevant to us, e.g. whether our extension classes are loaded correctly, is only printed on the TRACE log level, so you can try setting the levels that are marked as DEBUG here to TRACE if the functionality you implemented does not show up in Ghidra itself. With that, we should be sufficiently set up to continue to dive into our extension project.

Extension Points

When extending Ghidra, there’s different extension points where we can plug in our own code. The most straightforward way to extend Ghidra is through Ghidra scripts. These are technically not an extension point in the actual sense and also doesn’t need to be within an extension project altogether (they can be written completely independently in Java or in Python). However, keeping them within an extension has the advantage of being able to use dependencies for heavy lifting or reusing code between scripts. Within the decompiler view, the scripts can be accessed through Window/Script Manager, showing you this overview:

Script Manager

This gives you a list of all currently loaded scripts, with the ability to filter for them and add new scripts. When you build the distributable zip of your extension and install it, your scripts will be listed here automatically. In order to load your extension scripts for development, you need to click on the icon highlighted within the red circle on the screenshot and then use the green plus symbol in the following dialog to add the path to your ghidra_scripts folder in the extension directory as a bundle (and activate it by clicking the checkbox to the left of its name). You can then use the icon with the green arrows to reload your scripts, and you need to do this every time you add new scripts, as they won’t show up in the manager otherwise.

Once the scripts are visible in the manager, it is no longer necessary to manually reload through the manager, as the script will be recompiled every time it’s executed and your changes are visible immediately. To avoid clicking into the script manager for reloading, you can use the key icon within the script manager or assign a keybinding in the script directly using the //@keybinding annotation. This way, scripts allow you to extend Ghidra in a fast-paced manor, as the script is basically “hot-reloaded”. For the other extension points it’s unfortunately not that straightforward, as they generally require at least a Ghidra restart. This includes the following extension points, which are part of the Ghidra extension skeleton:

  • Analyzer
  • Exporter
  • FileSystem
  • Loader
  • Plugin

The examples in the extension skeleton only appear to be a set of possible extension points. When turning on TRACE in the log output of Ghidra, a detailed listing of extension point classes is shown. At the time of writing this blogpost, this consists of:

  • TypeMapper
  • FieldFactory
  • VMInstruction
  • Constraint
  • FieldMouseHandler
  • ChecksumAlgorithm
  • FormatModel
  • Analyzer
  • Exporter
  • DisassemblyInject
  • ContentHandler
  • ElfExtension
  • DebuggerMappingOpinion
  • PluginPackage
  • FileSystem
  • ProjectDataColumn
  • PcodeStateInitializer
  • Stringable
  • DebuggerProgramLaunchOpinion
  • RelocationFixupHandler
  • CodeComparisonPanel
  • DebuggerRegisterColumnFactory
  • DebuggerClientFactory
  • StringHandler
  • AutoReadMemorySpec
  • TableColumn
  • ProgramCorrelator
  • ProgramCorrelatorFactory
  • Recognizer
  • ElfInfoProducer
  • ToolAssociation
  • Initializer
  • LanguageTranslator
  • InstructionSkipper
  • DebuggerBot
  • GraphExporter
  • Demangler
  • DebuggerPcodeEmulatorFactory
  • CoffRelocationHandler
  • FileSystemModel
  • BinaryAnalysisCommand
  • DWARFFunctionFixup
  • Loader
  • TableRowMapper
  • AddressCorrelatorFactory
  • GhidraProtocolHandler
  • GraphDisplayProvider
  • LocationTrackingSpecFactory
  • DataType
  • DataTypeReferenceFinder
  • AnnotationHandler
  • ScriptProvider
  • Decryptor
  • DebuggerPlatformOpinion
  • AddressCorrelator
  • OverviewColorService
  • DebuggerModelFactory
  • LayoutProvider
  • MachoRelocationHandler
  • ColumnConstraintProvider
  • Theme
  • ElfRelocationHandler
  • Validator
  • Plugin
  • RelocationHandler

It is not clear how many of these are actually meant for extension as a public interface and it’s entirely possible that everything that is not listed in the skeleton module is an unstable API, so if you decide to use any of these, be aware that you might run into potential issues.

For all extension points, it is generally true that they are accessible to Ghidra as soon as they are available on the Java classpath. The internal class loader will detect them and then search for classes that implement extension points. That is theory, the practice is a little more troublesome however. The most straightforward case is loading the extension *.jar file from the classpath, which means you have to at least have used gradle jar to build your extension. You can put the jar file directly into the classpath or you can put a directory that is one level below the extension root. This is an… interesting choice, because it only works exactly one level below the extension root from what we can tell and there are usually no interesting things to include at this level (as in, no .class or .jar files), but Ghidra will happily takes this path and then take any extension .jar file within that project.

The way Ghidra scans the classpath here is, by checking one directory level above. If there is a Module.manifest, it treats the directory as extension directory and then scans the directory for typical .jar placement locations for extensions.

If we extend our script from above to include our extension classpath (here we added the build subdirectory as classpath, which doesn’t have any effect on the loaded classes itself, but will trigger Ghidra to scan this directory for extension files). If you run gradle jar and then ./, a Ghidra instance with your loaded extension will start:


# This is taken from the ghidraRun script and gives us the directory this
# script lives in. You should place it in your plugin root directory.
SCRIPT_FILE="$(readlink -f "$0" 2>/dev/null || readlink "$0" 2>/dev/null || echo "$0")"

java \
    -Djava.system.class.loader=ghidra.GhidraClassLoader \
    -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 \ \
    -Duser.language=en \
    -Duser.variant= \
    -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false \
    -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3 \
    -Dcpu.core.limit= \
    -Dcpu.core.override= \
    -Dfont.size.override= \
    -Dpython.console.encoding=UTF-8 \
    -Xshare:off \
    -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false \
    -Dsun.java2d.xrender=true \
    -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1 \
    -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on \
    -Dlog4j.configurationFile="$GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/support/debug.log4j.xml" \
    -cp "$SCRIPT_DIR/build:$GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Ghidra/Framework/Utility/lib/Utility.jar" \
    ghidra.GhidraLauncher ghidra.GhidraRun

Keep in mind that this will load your implemented extension points directly, but won’t list the extension as an installed extension in your project window. This works well when you don’t have an IDE, but if you are writing Java, you are likely also using an IDE. If you are using Eclipse, there’s the official Ghidra plugins, which hide all the setup stuff we have listed here so far (but in case something breaks, you can maybe debug with what we’ve shown here). If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, then you can import the extension project like any other gradle project. Instead of using the, you can now configure a run configuration in IntelliJ with the following settings:

IntelliJ IDEA Run Configuration

IntelliJ mostly guides you on how to set this up, when you select MyExtension.main as module for the classpath. The rest of the options can be specified just like in If you have trouble finding how to add the VM options, these are hidden behind the Modify options entry:

Adding VM options

Using this configuration, IntelliJ generates the full classpath for you based on the module itself. Why can’t we just point the classpath to our compiled .class files outside of IntelliJ? The way this works in the Ghidra class loader is that the things we specify in the classpath will be loaded before anything else is loaded. If we therefore point the classpath to our extension .class files directly, it will try to load them before loading anything else and fail, because the Ghidra loader has not loaded the Ghidra internal classes yet. It works in IntelliJ, because IntelliJ kind of bypasses the Ghidra classloader and just loads all dependent modules properly and puts their classpath before our extension module when passing the classpath to Ghidra. We didn’t put this into our script, because it’s a bit clunky and we would have to regenerate the classpath when something changes, which Intellij (and by extension also Eclipse) does automatically.

Activating Extensions in Ghidra

Something you need to be aware of is that while the extension points are loaded automatically as soon as they are found by the class loader, they might not actually appear enabled in the interface. For example, while an Exporter will be immediately visible, an Analyzer is only visible if its canAnalyze method returns true. So if you cannot see your extension point available in the UI, make sure that all the required conditions are fulfilled.

What we’ve found a bit tricky is activating a Plugin extension, i.e. a GUI extension for a Tool. Normally, when installing an extension that provides a Plugin, on first time load of the Decompiler you will be prompted and asked to activate the plugin. During development, Ghidra might fail to detect the availability of a new plugin (intentional or unintentional, as you don’t want to get spammed with these dialogs every time you start Ghidra), and you need to activate it manually. Depending on which tool you are implementing the Plugin for, you need to navigate to File/Configure from the top menu. The resulting dialog should look something like this:

Plugin configuration

You can then navigate to the category you assigned to your plugin and activate it, by selecting the checkbox:

Plugin activation

Closing Words

That’s about it. There are some things we haven’t covered (like defining new processors/architectures), which we might cover in the future when we need to work with it, but for now these are some points that we have encountered so far during development. If you spot any errors or things where you are like “wow these people are doing things so complicated, they could have just done X”, feel free to drop us a message. If you are interested in the Ghidra dark theme we’re using, you can check out the theme made by a colleague in our CTF team here.

Michael Pucher
Michael Pucher

My research interests include systems security, malware analysis and embedded security, focusing on software reverse engineering and dynamic binary analysis.